Tour Date Search

Wed, Feb 5, 2025

Tour Date Details
Feb 5
Widespread Panic at Hard Rock Hotel in Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Widespread Panic 2016 Riviera Maya
Set 1:
  1. A of D
  2. Better Off
  3. Diner
  4. Pilgrims
  5. Steven's Cat
  6. Jack
  7. Bowlegged Woman, Knock Kneed Man (Bobby Rush Cover)
  8. Contentment Blues (>)
  9. Love Tractor
Set 2:
  1. Machine (>)
  2. Barstools and Dreamers
  3. Quarter Tank of Gasoline (BloodKin Cover)
  4. Tie Your Shoes (>)
  5. Red Beans (Professor Longhair Cover)
  6. Junior (Junior Kimbrough Cover)
  7. Hatfield (>)
  8. Drums and Bass (>)
  9. Cease Fire (>)
  10. Rock
  11. Ain't Life Grand
  1. May Your Glass Be Filled
  2. Angels Don't Sing the Blues
  3. Chilly Water (>)
  4. Action Man (> 'Chilly Water' reprise)